Friday, April 11, 2014

Are most conservative Christians gullible?

I hate to ask the question.

Look up the definition of gullible in any dictionary and it will tell you the following: easily deceived or cheated. Does this describe some conservative Christians?

A thesaurus would give you other descriptive words such as: foolish, unsuspecting, innocent, naive, trustful, and simple. Some of these words might be what I'm looking for.

Why even ask the question?

I responded to a friend's blog post stating that I thought some Christian homeschoolers were gullible. After that response, I went to take a shower (I tell you this because I do my best thinking in the shower) and realized that my words may have been taken incorrectly because I didn't write it out very well. I wanted to make sure that I did not mean that those reading or responding to her post thought that I meant that about them. I surely didn't because I don't know the people reading her blog and I want to maintain the integrity of the blog being a safe place to contribute. Sure enough, someone responded to my words before I could issue my apology.

So what did I mean to say?

I have experienced two Christian homeschool conventions. The first one was right before I started homeschooling. I went to hear the basics about the laws in our state and to look at curriculum. I didn't hear any of the main speakers or go to any sessions. 

My second experience was about 8 years later when I worked at a booth for my employer. At this point, I really did not want anything to do with the homeschool movement. I did not care for the the people who headed the organization and I clearly saw that there was an agenda. When I looked at the list of sessions, I noticed that most of the topics dealt around relationships and the home environment. There wasn't much substance when it came to actually teaching children. From our booth location, I could hear the main speakers and I remember thinking that I was glad that I didn't get caught up in the fear that I thought was being perpetuated. I remember feeling a bit sad for the people who walked around there and wondered if they believed everything being said because it came from the mouth of a "respected" homeschool leader.

The other reason why I ask the question is because of a conversation that I had with my mother-in-law about the Noah movie. *Please note that I love my mother-in-law dearly, but we do have some "interesting" conversations.* She told me that at first she was excited with the Noah movie because she likes Russel Crowe. Then, she told me that she was not going to be seeing it because of all of the reviews that she read about the movie not being "biblical." I didn't think of this response at the time, but I wish I would have encouraged her to go see it and make up her own mind about it and not just make her decision based upon reviews from Christian writers.

Can you see where I am going with the question, "Are most conservative Christians gullible?" I say "most" because I know that there are conservatives who are able to think for themselves. However, I do find a lot who only form their opinions about issues based upon what other respected Christian leaders think.

What are your thoughts on this?

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